Many times in my life I would have loved for someone to have walked beside me to:
remind me of my talents (1/9)
help me refine my daily energy levels (2/8)
confront me with my patterns and sabotaging habits (3/7)
and given me a reality check (4/6)
so that I could walk my Path with more Harmony and Balance (5/10).
This training provides you with the skills to offer this service and to support others in their awakening journey to their elevated Self.
These skills are based on the language of Number. A language that has its origin in something that goes beyond the Mind, beyond your own preferences and judgements, so you can align with the essence of the other instead of coloring their story with yours, and allow you to transcend story altogether.
If you want to do this training, we recommend that you have started or completed the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 1, or that you are an experienced KY practitioner, to be able to use the technology of KY to support the other in their process. A process that covers at least 90 days (a minimum time to establish a new habit after breaking through old ones) and includes 6 coaching sessions and practice from the KY tradition.

Short overview of the Karam Kriya Yoga Coaching Training:
To be trained in Karam Kriya Yoga Coaching is a program of 19 sessions. 2 sessions per Number 7,5,1,2,3,4,6,8,9 and a bonus session on 10, 11 & 12
The training will be supported by an E-Learning platform through which you will receive homework, find supporting material like videos, documents and a discussion group. You will also be working in Study Groups.
Each Training Day there will be Sadhana from 6.15-8.00 CET including Japji, Kriya, Relaxation, Meditation and Hukam. The Kriya and Meditation will be aligned with the Number of the Training Session that day.
The recording of each Training Day and Sadhana will be available for Streaming from the E-Learning platform.
We use the book ‘Let the Numbers Guide You’, from Shiv Charan Singh, as a main reference.
You will undergo a 90-120 day coaching from one of the trainers during or before the training.
Homework / examination: offer a 90-120 day coaching and write a report (report has to include a certain amount of specific topics).
The Training will be taught in English.

Meet the team
Lead Trainer: Hari Krishan Singh - Associate Trainers: Ekjotee Kaur & Devta Kaur
Hari Krishan Singh, Dutch and resident in Germany, is co-founder of Cherdi Kala International Kundalini Yoga School along with his wife Bachitar Kaur. He travels and teaches internationally as a Lead level 1 & 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer and is a Karam Kriya consultant and trainer. He is responsible for establishing many training programs around the world, often in cooperation with the Karam Kriya School. With profound understanding and insight into the Teachings and an abundant sense of humor, Hari Krishan’s infectious presence naturally puts people at ease. He brings the Teachings across in a way that is both light and deep and facilitates deep processes of change and personal growth. He lives with his family in South-Germany in Yogahouse Prasaad, their retreat center near Lake Constance
Ekjotee Kaur, Danish and resident in Switzerland.
Devta Kaur, German and resident in Portugal.
Early booking price, before 1 December 2024: € 1.616,16
Possibility of payment by instalments: Registration fee: € 350,00
Normal price, after 1 December 2024: € 1.818,18
The course includes:
Teaching: € 1.234,56 - before 1 December 2024
90-day personal coaching: € 381,60
Total: € 1.616,16 - before 1 December 2024
Study material included in the training fee:
Let the numbers guide you - Shiv Charan Singh
Support material on the Sutra online platform
DATES 2025:
Online Morning sessions 9.30-13.00 (+ optional Sadhana 6.15-8.00) CET
Weekend 9.30-17.00 (+ optional Sadhana 6.15-8.00) CET
Number - Date - Trainer
7 - 12 January - Hari Krishan Singh (HKS)
7 - 19 January - HKS
5 - 26 January - HKS
5 - 2 February - HKS
1 - 23 February - HKS
1 - 2 March - Ekjotee Kaur - To Be Confirmed (TBC)
2 - 9 March - Devta Kaur
2 - 16 March - HKS
3 & 4 - 29+30 March - HKS - FULL WEEKEND
6 - 13 April - Ekjotee Kaur - TBC
6 - 27 April - HKS
8 - 4 May - HKS
8 - 11 May - HKS
9 - 18 May - Devta Kaur
9 - 1 June - HKS
Extra Session
10, 11, 12 - 15 June - HKS


International Karam
Kriya School
This training is organised by Cherdi Kala Yoga Love.
If you are interested in more of the work we do, please visit our website.